The grinding slab from Chiripa (53 × 37.5 cm) of the southern "early" version of the Yaya-Mama style, showing the obverse a head with volutes and foot appendages and a cross formée on the reverse. Drawing based on photographs and rubbing by Sergio Chávez.
The grinding slab from Copacabana (36 x 29.2 cm) of the southern "early" version of the Yaya-Mama style, showing motifs and designs similar to those on the Chiripa grinding slab. Drawing by Sergio Chávez from photographs provided by Margaret Young-Sánchez and the Museum für Völkerkunde.
Photograph of the only excavated and dated decorated pestle from the Achachi Coa Khollu sector of Kala Uyuni in the Taraco Peninsula (Cohen and Roddick 2007:57, Figures 6.15-6.16). Photograph courtesy of Christine Hastorf.
Pucara-style pestle from Pucara, resembling an anthropomorphic statuette. The back is decorated with a serpentiform animal. Drawn by Manuel Chávez Ballón.
A rectangular grinding implement from unknown provenience, containing on the narrow side two feline motifs in fine incision (one is unfinished), resembling those of "Classic" Tiahuanaco style. Photograph by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez at the Museum in Tiahuanaco.
A possible grinding slab of unknown provenience (62 x 46 cm), depicting a front-view personage with the Rayed Head Motif and a rectangular border frame. Redrawn by S. Chávez with the same rubbing effect in the original illustration by Anton (1972:Figure 41 on page 351).
Circular grinder (63 cm diameter x 16 cm thick) excavated by Bennett in the semi-subterranean temple of Tiahuanaco (west of the Bennett monolith). Drawn by Stanislava Chávez based on photographs taken at the Museum in Tiahuanaco.
Cylindrical grinder (46.5 cm diameter x 16.5 cm thick) excavated by Ponce near the southwest corner of the semi-subterranean temple of Tiahuanaco. Drawn by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez based on photographs and illustrations by Ponce (1964:Figures 15, 23, and Lámina 11).
A "Classic" Tiahuanaco-style kero associated with the lower portion of a plain/utilitarian vessel, from a burial recently excavated at the site of Cundisa, Copacabana. Photograph by Sergio Chávez.
(a) Rollout drawing of decorations on a rare annular-based globular vessel excavated as part of an offering at Akapana. The excised head and surrounding volutes are reminiscent of the Yaya-Mama style. Redrawn and adapted by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez from an illustration by Alconini (1995:Figures 7-8). (b) Circular head with appendages recurving at right angles on the headband of a human head effigy vessel in "Classic" Tiahuanaco style. Redrawn by Stanislava Chávez with the right side appendages reconstructed from Querejazu (1983:Figure on page 187).