
(a) Rollout drawing of decorations on a rare annular-based globular vessel excavated as part of an offering at Akapana. The excised head and surrounding volutes are reminiscent of the Yaya-Mama style. Redrawn and adapted by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez from an illustration by Alconini (1995:Figures 7-8). (b) Circular head with appendages recurving at right angles on the headband of a human head effigy vessel in "Classic" Tiahuanaco style. Redrawn by Stanislava Chávez with the right side appendages reconstructed from Querejazu (1983:Figure on page 187).

Item record
Ch. 02: Identification, Definition, and Continuities of the Yaya-Mama Religious Tradition in the Titicaca Basin
Item type
Cultural terms
Geographic terms
Andean South America
Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca Basin
Southern Andes
Temporal terms
Middle Horizon (MH)>>Middle Horizon Epoch 2
Image contents
Recommended citation

Isbell, William H.; Uribe, Mauricio I.; Tiballi, Anne; Edward P. Zegarra, 2018, "Visual database", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/1B33FN.