Motifs showing the association of the black bird with the winged "fish" on a Pucara-style jar neck from Pucara. The gray represents red, white stands for cream, and black is the original dark grey. Drawn by Sergio Chávez based on tracings of the original sherd.
Photograph of the carved portion of the stela from the Chunchu Kala Sector northwest of the Kalasasaya, Tiahuanaco. Photograph and inked outlines by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez.
Concentration of almost all the "Classic" Tiahuanaco-style stone sculptures is at the site of Tiahuanaco. The drawings are not at the same scale and are based mainly on Posnansky's illustrations and photographs by Karen and Sergio Chávez.
Photograph of the Yaya-Mama semi-subterranean temple of Ch'isi, taken right after excavations, consolidation, and reconstruction of the stone walls. Note the peripheral features above and around the sunken court. Photograph by Karen and Sergio Chávez.
Photograph of the four-step and flanking slabs at the entrance of the Yaya-Mama semi-subterranean temple of Ch'isi. Note the only carving in direct association with excavated and dated architecture. Photograph by Karen and Sergio Chávez.
Photograph of Pillar 40 on the west wall of the semi-subterranean temple at Tiahuanaco, showing faint and worn outlines of the lower portion of a personage. Photograph by Stanislava and Sergio Chávez.
Photograph of one of the Pucara-style hunchbacked statues form the island of Titicaca, holding a conch shell. Photograph taken by Karen and Sergio Chávez at the National Museum in La Paz.
One of the four personages depicted on the Gateway of the Kalasasaya blowing a trumpet and holding a severed human head. Redrawn by Stanislava Chávez from Posnansky (1945:I:Plate XXXIX.3).
(a) Examples from the Gateway of the Kalasasaya showing the conch shell associated with other appendages, in one case a bird and the other a "fish," in the crowns of profile personages. Redrawn by Stanislava Chávez from Posnansky (1945:I:Plate XLIII.2-3). (b) One of two winged personages on a Provincial Pucara textile carrying what appears to be a conch shell. Drawn by Stanislava Chávez from a color photograph of the textile provided by William Isbell.
Photograph of Qalasasaya-style vessels and a fragmented bone implement from a burial recently excavated at the site of Cundisa, Copacabana. Photograph by Sergio Chávez.