Incensario (or annular based bowl) fragments, including worked feline face.
Miniature vessels, decorated and undecorated.
Initial Pukara bevel-rim bowls (also called Cusipata).
Nonlocal (or yet to be identified local) pottery.
Pukara restricted vessel types (adapted from Chávez 1992:Figures 86 and 87).
Pukara unrestricted vessel types (adapted from Chávez 1992:Figure 4).
Photo of the Northeast Section of Kidder's Area IV on the Central Pampa, facing southwest. Mounds of back dirt, excavation scars, and wall fragments remain exposed on the surface from the 1939 excavations. Photo by E. Klarich, 2006.
Dense middens from initial occupations of the Central Pampa (photo by E. Klarich, 2001).
The Lake Titicaca Basin, showing key Formative sites with stone sculpture.
Operational chronology for the southern Lake Titicaca Basin (after Janusek 2004).