Visual database


Representative monoliths of the Pajano/Yaya-Mama style, in the restrictive sense of those terms. (a) Monolith from Tambo Kusi/Corralpata, Bolivia, after Portugal Ortíz (1998:Figure 86); (b) monolith from Mocachi, Copacabana Peninsula, Peru, after Casanova (1942:Figure 3); (c) triangular monolith from Lakaripata, Santiago de Huata, Bolivia, after Lémuz (2001:Figure 8.1); (d) the Yaya-Mama monolith from Taraco, Peru, after Chávez and Mohr Chávez (1975:Figure 1b). Composite drawing by Arik Ohnstad.


Carved slab panels from (a) Chiripa, Bolivia, excavated by Coe and Kidder, after Mohr Chávez (1988:Figure 6); (b) Yunguyo, Peru, after Browman (1997:Figure 11a); (c) Chiripa, excavated by Browman, after Browman (1997:Figure 12b); (d) Chiripa, after Chávez and Mohr Chávez (1975:Figure 10); (e) Copacabana, Bolivia, after Chávez and Mohr Chávez (1975:Figure 9); (f) Department of La Paz, Bolivia, after Anton (1972:351). Composite drawing by Arik Ohnstad.


Stepped stelae sequence. Stepped stone stelae from (a) Taraco, Peru, after Kidder (1943:Plate 4.1); (b) Incatunuhuiri, Peru, after Kidder (1943:Plate 2.9); (c) Pukara, Peru (?), after Chávez and Mohr Chávez (1975:Figure 14), and stela is less rectilinear than depicted; and (d) Asillo, Peru, after Kidder (1943:Plates 7.8-7.9). Composite illustration by Arik Ohnstad.


Comparison of the feathered headdress on one of the Frontal Staff Bearer attendants of the Gateway Tunic (a) to those of Stepped Stelae from the north and east Lake Titicaca Basin, including (b) Qaluyu, Peru; (c) Wiraqocho Orqo, Peru; and (d) Challapata, Bolivia. Drawing by Jennifer and Arik Ohnstad.


Comparative seriation of known Pa-Aajanu (or Pajano)-style stone sculptures, categorized as Lightning Stones, Slab Panels, Stepped Stelae, and Mocachi-Style Stelae, in relation to other items of material culture-textiles and ceramics-and the standardized Lake Titicaca Basin regional chronology. Composite drawing by Arik Ohnstad and John Janusek.


Plan view of Khonkho Wankane showing key architectural constructions on the Wankane platform. Drawing by Arik Ohnstad and John Janusek. 


The four carved stone monoliths of Khonkho Wankane. Drawing by Arik Ohnstad.

Khonkho Wankane's Portugal monolith. Drawing by Arik Ohnstad.

The Wila Kala monolith. Drawing by Arik Ohnstad.

Khonkho Wankane's Jinch'un Kala monolith. Drawing by Arik Ohnstad.