Rollout drawing, Bennett stele (after Posnansky 1945:Figure 113a). Modified by Constantino M. Torres.
Detail, Bennett stele (after Posnansky 1945:Figure 113a). Modified by Constantino M. Torres.
Snuff trays with half-fist representation. (a) Tomb 3974, Coyo Oriente, 15.7 cm; (b) Niño Korin, 10.5 cm, collection 70.19.33, Varldskulturmuseet (Museum of World Culture), Gothenburg, Sweden; (c) unknown provenience, 14.8 cm, San Pedro de Atacama area. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.
Gate of the Sun, northwest corner of the Kalasasaya, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.
Wooden snuff tray with stone and shell inlays, 17.1 cm, collection 2000.211, Denver Art Museum, Colorado. Photo courtesy Margaret Young-Sánchez.
Basic framework of the Tiwanaku iconographic configuration (after Posnansky 1945). Drawings by Donna Torres.
Frontal personage holding staffs. (a) Gate of the Sun, Tiahuanaco; (b) Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco; (c) Ponce stele, Tiahuanaco; (d) Kochamama, Tiahuanaco (a-d after Posnansky 1945); (e) "Recipiente Litico de Ofrendas," Tiahuanaco (Ponce Sanginés 1982:Figure 16.1); (f) Tomb 4093, Coyo Oriente; (g) Tomb 4010, Coyo Oriente; (h) Tomb 2183, Quitor 5; (i) Tomb 3582, Quitor 6, San Pedro de Atacama; (j) La Real, Valle de Majes, Peru (after Garcia and Bustamante 1990:Figure 3). (f-h, j drawings by Donna Torres).
Disembodied rayed head: (a) Tomb 1994, Quitor 5; (b) Tomb 3935, Coyo Oriente; (c) Tomb, 1618, Sequitor Alambrado; (d) Gate of the Sun, lower fret detail, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (e) Bennett stele, upper back detail, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (f) Ponce stele, waistband detail, Tiahuanaco. (Photo by Constantino M. Torres, drawings by Donna Torres).
Profile personage holding staff. (a) Tomb 3380, Quitor 5; (b) Tomb 3613, Quitor 6; (c) Tomb 3223, Quitor 8; (d) Tomb 107, Solcor 3; (e) Tomb 4229-30, Toconao Oriente; (f) Tomb 4141, Coyo Oriente; (g) Tomb 4008, Coyo Oriente; (h) Tomb 3963, Coyo Oriente, San Pedro de Atacama; (i) Nino Korin, Bolivia; (j) Pallqa, Amaguaya, Bolivia; (k-l) Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (m-o) Ponce stele, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres, drawings by Donna Torres.
Bird-headed personage. (a) Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (b) Gate of the Sun, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (c) Ponce stele, Tiahuanaco; (d) Molino-Chilacachi, department of Puno, Peru (de La Vega et al. 2005:Figure 12.6); (e) Tomb 2742, Quitor 6; (f) Tomb 3944, Coyo Oriente; (g) Tomb 5334-41, Coyo Oriente; (h) Tomb 3585, Quitor 6; (i) unknown provenience, San Pedro de Atacama area. Photos by Constantino M. Torres, drawings by Donna Torres.