Visual database

Camelid bearing cargo. (a) Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945:Figure 113a); (b) Tomb 5, Solcor 3; (c) Tomb 4049-50, Coyo Oriente; (d) Tomb 44, Solcor 3; (e) Tomb 2235, Quitor 5, San Pedro de Atacama. Photos by Constantino M. Torres.

Unique and infrequent representations. (a) Tomb 4111, Coyo Oriente; (b) Tomb 5381, Coyo Oriente (cf. Figure 11.j); (c) Tomb 3706, Quitor 2; (d) Tomb 2189, Quitor 5; (e) Tomb 2748, Quitor 6; (f) Tomb 3662, Quitor 6; (g) Tomb 99, Solcor 3; (h-j) unknown provenience, San Pedro de Atacama area. Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Le Paige, Universidad Católica del Norte, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Photos by Constantino M. Torres, drawing by Donna Torres.

Kantatayita lintel and detail, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.

Snuff trays with profile genuflect personage. (a) Tomb 3223, 15.7 x 6.2 cm, Quitor 8; (b) Tomb 3380, 18.5 x 6.8 cm, Quitor 5; (c) Tomb 5444, 9.1 x 4.3 cm, Quitor 6. Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo R. P. Le Paige, Universidad Católica del Norte, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Photos by Constantino M. Torres.

Primary signs components of snuff trays, Bennett stele, Ponce stele, and Gate of the Sun. Drawings by Donna Torres.

Three primary signs illustrating variability of the iconographic system. Drawings by Donna Torres.

Río Loa and San Pedro de Atacama subregions.

PCA graph of factors 1 and 2 for values of Ba, Fe, Zr, and MN (log[10]) without outliers, all categories.

Factor loadings for variables Ba, Mn, Zr, and Fe (log[10]) without outlier values.

PCA graph of factors 1 and 2 for values of Bam Fe, Zr, and MN (log[10]) without outliers, all polished and utilitarian.