Snuff trays from Niño Korin, Bolivia. (a) Wooden snuff tray, 18.5 cm, collection 70.19.1; (b) wooden snuff tray with avian representation, 17 cm, collection 70.19.23; (c) snuff tray with profile crowned bird, 16 cm, collection 70.19.19; (d) snuff tray with bird head engravings, 14 cm, collection 70.19.21; (e) snuff tray with half-fist representation, 10.5 cm, collection 70.19.33, Varldskulturmuseet (Museum of World Culture), Gothenburg, Sweden; (f) wooden snuff tray with relief representation, 10.7 cm, Museo Tiwanaku, La Paz, Bolivia (Oblitas Poblete 1963:Figure 88). Photo by Constantino M. Torres, drawings by Donna Torres.
Snuff trays from southern Peru and far northern Chile. (a) La Real, Valle de Majes, Museo de Aplao (Garcia and Bustamante 1990:Figure 3); (b) wooden snuff tray, Molino-Chilacachi, deptartment of Puno, 19.5 cm (de la Vega et al. 2005:Figure 12.6); (c) Chilatilla Bajo, Museo Arqueológico, Algarrobal (Alcalde Gonzalez 1995:Figure 3); (d) Chiu-Chiu, present location unknown; (e) Caleta Camarones, present location unknown (d and e from Latcham 1938:Figures la-c). Drawings by Donna Torres.
Anandenathera colubrina var. Cebil, Salta province, Argentina. Photo, left, courtesy Christian Rätsch.
Probable representations of Anadenanthera flowers, leaves, and seeds. (a) Conchopata pottery sherd (Knobloch 2000); (b) Bennett stele, det., chest pendant; (c) Ponce stele, det., left arm; (d) stone sculpture, det., chest pendant, Putuni, Tiahuanaco; (e-j) various types of Anadenanthera icons. Photo by Constantino M. Torres; drawings by Donna Torres.
Trichocereus pachanoi, near Chavín de Huántar, Peru. Bottom right, Trichocereus pachanoi flower. Top right, camelid bearing cargo, detail from Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.
Ponce stele, 3.05 m, found in central courtyard of the Kalasasaya, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.
Rollout drawing, Ponce stele. Drawing by C. M. Torres.
Detail, Ponce stele. Drawing by C. M. Torres.
Camelid fiber bag containing snuff tray, tube, spoon, and two leather pouches with snuff powder, ca. 780 ± 60, Tomb 112, Solcor 3, San Pedro de Atacama. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.
Bennett stele, 5.50 m (total length with base 7.30 m). Found in semi-subterranean plaza, Tiahuanaco. Photo by Constantino M. Torres.