Male child bundled in plain cotton cloth with a small plume of flamingo feathers. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.
Funerary bundle discovered in a profile of Julio C. Tello's old excavations that probably represents a female child based on the woolen shawl and tupu clothing pin fastening it. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.
Drawing of several varieties of Middle Horizon ceramics found at Huaca Malena.
Fragment of eccentric tapestry in pure Wari style. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.
Detail of a fragment of eccentric tapestry in pure Wari style. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.
Fragment of very fine Wari-style eccentric tapestry depicting elaborately decorated profile heads. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector III, Platform D.
Detail of a garment of fine Wari-style eccentric tapestry representing stepped panels depicting a richly dressed personage holding a rope that binds an individual of lesser rank. Provenience Huaca Malena.
Fragment of a tunic produced in eccentric tapestry, with representation of a personage in the Wari-Conchopata style. Provenience Huaca Malena.
Iconography of tapestry bands with appendage, in Provincial Wari style. Provenience Huaca Malena.
Detail of the decoration on a band with appendage produced in the eccentric tapestry technique. The design includes a version of the Pachacamac Griffin. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.