Visual database

Air photograph of Huaca Malena, Valley of Asia, about 100 km south of Lima. The platform mound dates to the Early Intermediate Period and is constructed of semi-cylindrical adobes. All figures in this chapter courtesy of Rommel Ángeles Falcón.

Middle Horizon tomb types reported for Huaca Malena. All are intrusive into the earlier architecture.

Excavation of a funerary bundle with false head, dressed in a cotton tunic with vertical bands. The individual wears an elaborate halter-like headdress and a basketry headdress with feather plume.

Funerary bundle of a male dressed in a beige tunic of warp-faced cloth. He wears a basketry headdress with feather plumes. Offerings of maize have been placed at the foot of the bundle. The bundle was found inside a disintegrated wall. This conical bundle belongs to the Middle Horizon. Provenience, Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A. 

Plume of parrot (Ara macao) feathers with foundation of braided vegetal fiber. Plumes from Huaca Malena vary in size and color and were placed in the folds of the basketry headdress. Provenience, Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.

Headdress of a Wari elite made of dyed human hair attached to a band in knotted pile technique. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector II, Platform C.

Detail of a funerary bundle of a female showing a vincha (headband) of wool placed on the head. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.

Four types of tupus, or metal clothing pins, associated with female burials. Provenience Huaca Malena.

Detail of a headdress composed of embroidered cotton netting. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A. 

Head of a disturbed funerary bundle with intact trousseau. Provenience Huaca Malena, Sector I, Platform A.