Visual database


Map locating the Moquegua Valley in far southern Peru, with detail insert showing four large townsite groupings of Tiwanaku residents in the middle Moquegua Valley.


Tiwanaku llama and kero geoglyphs, Chen Chen site, Moquegua.


Omo-style utilitarian ollas and tinajas, Omo M12 site.


Omo-style serving ceramics, Omo M12 site.


Blackware double-banded keros (a) with postfiring engraved "continuous volute" motif, AMNH Adolph Bandelier collection, B 2213, Ciriapata, Island of the Sun. (b) Omo style, Omo M16 site.


Postfiring engraving, bird talon marking. (a) kero, AMNH Adolph Bandelier collection, Island of the Sun. (b) Kero fragment, Omo M10.


Chen Chen-style serving vessels, Omo M10M cemetery.


Tumilaca Phase keros, showing diversity of postexpansive local styles, including step-stair motif, third from upper left. Above: "coca-cola" shape keros from Omo M10N5=1, M11 estructura 3 M11=1742, Maria Cupine M9=4, and Chamos M48=1 sites. Below: Banded and nubbed keros, Los Keros site M94=1a and 1b, Omo M11=0, Maria Cupine M9=0, Cerro Echenique M2=522.


The Tiwanaku Front-Face God depicted on ceramic keros. (a) M70 cemetery, Rio Muerto site, Moquegua. (b) Island of the Sun, Adolph Bandelier collection, AMNH. (c) M70 domestic area.

Running winged figure, detail of interlocked tapestry tunic, Rio Muerto M43=4507, M43A Tomb R52.