(b) Tiwanaku blackware keros from Piñami.
Imported Tiwanaku-style tazones exhibiting characteristics more common in the Katari Valley than in the Tiwanaku Valley (Janusek 203:80). (a) Tanware. (See also Figure 8.15, incensarios). Example (a) is from Piñami.
Imported Tiwanaku-style tazones exhibiting characteristics more common in the Katari Valley than in the Tiwanaku Valley (Janusek 203:80). (b) Tazón with an exterior red band. (See also Figure 8.15, incensarios.) Example (b) is from Piñami.
Imported Tiwanaku-style tazones exhibiting characteristics more common in the Katari Valley than in the Tiwanaku Valley (Janusek 203:80). (c) Continuous volute ending in a face. (See also Figure 8.15, incensarios.) Example (c) is from Quillacollo.
(a) Examples of imported Tiwanaku incensarios from Piñami. All vessels have nonlocal pastes and temper.
(b) Examples of imported Tiwanaku incensarios from Piñami. All vessels have nonlocal pastes and temper.
(c) Examples of imported Tiwanaku incensarios from Piñami. All vessels have nonlocal pastes and temper.
(d) Examples of imported Tiwanaku incensarios from Piñami. All vessels have nonlocal pastes and temper.
Cups in the Monochrome style of the Pre-Tiwanaku Formative in Cochabamba. Vessels shown are unprovenanced vessels in the museum collection of the Instituto de Investigaciónes Antropológicas y Museo Arqueológico, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba (INIAM-UMSS). Photograph by author.
CVCT-style keros showing standard (left) and tall (right) variations. All vessels from Piñami.