
Drawing of one object from Passo di Corvo. Two from Scaloria. Mottled brown sherd. Rounded. Sandy ware / thin walled. One side incised (after firing) reused sherd. One side lightly scratched. 1/2 fragment. Small perforation - spindle whorl. Incised design suggest use as spindle whorl. Preserved edges shaped and rounded/smoothed.--Roundal, perforated. Internal ptd.; external rocker design. Very roughly shaped - almost unmodified sherd. Perforated - bored from both sides. Useable spindle whorl. Ware - Masseria di Querca type; light brown, mottled dark brown, gritty, dense.--Perforated Roundal. Light buff; plain ware; sandy light. Figuline type. Ext. slip; Int. Plain. Edges of perforation well rounded. Very roughly shaped, if at all. Some sharp edges. Useable spindle whorl. Keywords: 4; 6; PageA023.tif; Shimabuku_23.tif; brown; clay; extension; exterior; fill at entrance; incised; level; mix; mottled; passo di corvo; pottery; scaloria; scaloria sketches; sherd; sketches; spindle; spindle whorl; trench; whorl
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