Clay disc. Probably roughly rounded. Scraped along one side ca. 1/4 of edge. Reverse side limited scraping. Other edges not smoothed; quite jagged. Fine sandy ware figuline type. Dense with mica powder. Burnished exterior only. Buff (lightish brown) color.-sherd roundal. Edges tumbled, but still smooth. Ext. brown mottled dark brown. Gritty ware. Int. light brown mottled reddish brown.-962/SF 235. Possible sherd roundal. Gritty (very gritty) loose temper. Low fired. Dark brown. Badly worn.
Keywords: 4.tif; Negative_85999_F10_02.tif; Scaloria-1; TO_SORT_contact_sheets; brown; buff; clay; dark; dark brown; disc; fill at entrance; negative; photo; pottery; print; print sheet 4.tif; rough; rounded; scraped; sheet; thumbnail_scans; ware