
Drawing of a pair of spouted effigy vessels from Tiwanaku site of Pariti. The broad collars, blunt haircuts, and labretted upper lips make them very different from other representations of Tiwanaku people in the Lake Titicaca Basin, suggesting they represent members of a different ethnic group. Ceramic material, red slip paint, and careful sculpting of the faces mark these as Tiwanaku pieces. Discovered as a pair, they were described as a man (a) and a "fat man" (b). Long hair visible falling down the back of the second figure, bracelets, anklets, and the different stance, however, make it reasonable to "read" the second figure as female who is pregnant, not fat. Based on photos by A. Korpisaari (Korpisaari and Parssinen 2005:Photos 10 and 11). Colors approximate.

Item record
Ch. 20: Mothers and Others: Female Images and Life Cycle Rituals in the Southern Andes
Item type
Cultural terms
Geographic terms
Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca Basin
Pariti Island
Temporal terms
Tiwanaku IV
Tiwanaku V
Middle Horizon (MH)
Image contents
Recommended citation

Isbell, William H.; Uribe, Mauricio I.; Tiballi, Anne; Edward P. Zegarra, 2018, "Visual database", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/1B33FN.