
Gate of the Sun, Tiahuanaco, detail, emphasizing the Late SAIS iconic triad. The Staff God appears in the center, larger than other images, and standing on a pyramidal pedestal. To his left and right are three rows of Profile Attendants, two with human and one with avian faces. At the bottom of the sculpted register are Rayed Heads, within a meander band, and each placed on a low pyramid pedestal.

Item record
Ch. 15: Ayacucho and the Staff God Pantheon: Wari, Tiwanaku, and the Late SAIS Era
Item type
Cultural terms
Geographic terms
Temporal terms
Tiwanaku 2
Image contents
Recommended citation

Isbell, William H.; Uribe, Mauricio I.; Tiballi, Anne; Edward P. Zegarra, 2018, "Visual database", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/1B33FN.