
Headcloth with rayed head motifs worked in camelid hair using a warp wrapping technique during the weaving of the fine cotton cloth of the central panel. A separately constructed border carries designs constructed in complex looping over separately woven cotton plain-weave tapes and knotted extensions. Small embroidered motifs resembling hummingbirds with looped elements span the join between the borders and the central panel. BMA 38.121.

Item record
Ch. 05: Travels of the Rayed Head: Textile Movement and the Concepts of Center and Periphery in the Southern Andes
Recommended citation

Isbell, William H.; Uribe, Mauricio I.; Tiballi, Anne; Edward P. Zegarra, 2018, "Visual database", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/1B33FN.