Variables in Data Record A5

Sample #. Where appropriate, the Initial Refuse Sample identifier (see Chapter 2). Some of the samples were divided, usually by excavation unit, for the analysis of obsidian.

AnalysisYear. Year in which the sample was analyzed.

Provenience. Minimal provenience(s) included (see Chapter 2 for comments on abbreviations).

Phase. Most likely phase of materials, provided only for units included in the Refuse Study Sample.

Location. Mound or other location.

Volume. Volume of deposit excavated. Calculated from plans, with depths measured by line level.


WtSherds (kg).

WtObsidian (g).

#Ob. Count of fragments of obsidian.

#1&2. Total count of fragments of obsidian remaining in nested screens 1 and 2. This is the example examined for use wear.

CH. Use wear: cutting on hard materials. Count of pieces showing that kind of use.

CM. Use wear: cutting on medium materials. Count of pieces showing that kind of use.

SH. Use wear: scraping on hard materials. Count of pieces showing that kind of use.

SM. Use wear: scraping on medium materials. Count of pieces showing that kind of use.