Variables in Data Record A1

Line #. This column sorts to stratigraphic order within a given excavation unit (an ordering not fully reproduced by sorting by provenience).

Provenience. Full minimal provenience (see Chapter 2 for comments on abbreviations).

Refuse Sample. Initial Refuse Sample identifier (see Chapter 2).

Form of Recovery. Screened versus unscreened deposits

CeramAnalysis. A through E; see Table 2.2.

Site. This and the following are individual elements of the provenience, to allow sorting by mound, unit, and so forth.



Lot or Level.

Feature #.

Ceramic complex(es) present. Sherds of the listed complexes were present in the rim assemblage from the unit.

Phase of deposition. Best assessment for phase of deposition of the unit, based on both stratigraphy and artifacts.

Phase (of materials, most likely). The most likely phase for materials in this unit based on all available evidence.

Context. The general type of context (midden, platform fill, etc.).

Phase(RefuseStudySample). Most likely phase of materials, provided only for units included in the Refuse Study Sample.

Phase(RefuseStudySample, sorts in chron. order). Same as the previous, but the phases will sort in chronological order because of appended numbers.

Volume Excavated (m³). Calculated from plans, with depths measured by line level.

Count of Sherds.

Wt of Sherds (kg). Weight of sherds.

Est # Sherds. Same as “count of sherds” except estimates are provided here for the total numbers of sherds in units for which such data are missing (e.g., units with level E ceramic analysis).

Effigy Frags. Total count of effigy fragments.

Rattle Frags. Total count of rattle fragments.

CenserFrag. Total count of censer fragments.

Hollow Fig-Head frag. Total count of hollow figurine head fragments.

Hollow Fig-Body frag. Total count of hollow figurine body fragments.

Hollow Fig-Limb frag. Total count of hollow figurine limb fragments and hollow figurine fragments unidentified to body part.

Solid Fig-Head Frag. Total count of solid figurine head fragments.

Solid Fig-Body Frag. Total count of solid figurine body fragments.

Solid Fig-Limb Frag. Total count of solid figurine limb fragments.

Cylinder seal. Total count of fragments of stamps and cylinder seals.

Spatula. Total count of spatula fragments.

Ceramic Bead. Total count of fragments of ceramic beads.

SpndlWhrl-Modeled. Total count of fragments of modeled spindle whorls.

Cylindrical Net Weight. Total count of fragments of cylindrical net weights.

Whistle. Total count of fragments of whistles.

Earspool frag. Total count of fragments of ear ornaments.

UnidWrkdShd-Unspecified. Total count of miscellaneous worked sherds.

Circular-WrkdShd. Total count of circular worked sherds.

WrkdShd-Perf-Round. Total count of round, perforated worked sherds.

WrkdShd-Round-IncompletePerf. Total count of round and incompletely perforated worked sherds.

Lid-WrkdShd. Total count of worked sherd pot lids.

ShapedShdNotRound. Total count of shaped sherds in a shape other than round.

PendantTrianShd. Total count of triangular sherd pendants.

NtWt-WrkdSherd. Total count of worked sherd net weights.

NotchdSherdMisc. Total count of miscellaneous notched sherds.

ShdPotScrpr. Total count of sherd pot scrapers.

ShdScrprPerpendic. Total count of sherd scrapers used perpendicular to the work surface.

ShdShaftSmthr. Total count of sherd shaft smoothers

ShdFinePolishr. Total count of sherd of fine polishers

ShdSmthr. Total count of sherd smoothers.

ShdWhetstone. Total count of sherd whetstones.

Sherd Reamer. Total count of sherd reamers and reamer blanks.

Coil fired clay(vessel prod). Total count of accidentally fired coils of clay, indicative of production of ceramic vessels.

Tab fired clay (prod debris). Total count of accidentally fired tabs of clay.

Unfired ceramic object. Total count of unfired, molded-clay objects.

IronOrMir. Total count of fragments of iron ore mirrors.

JadeBead. Total count of greenstone beads.

JadePend. Total count of greenstone pendants.

JadeProd. Total count of greenstone fragments from the production of ornaments, including bead blanks.

SpStnBead. Total count of fragments of soap stone beads.

OthStnOrn. Total count of fragments of other stone ornaments not covered in the preceding variables.

Mica. Total count of fragments of mica.

SdsnDrill. Total count of fragments of sandstone drills.

SdsnSaw. Total count of fragments of sandstone saws.

SdsnMisc. Total count of miscellaneous sandstone grinding tools.

SdsnConcv. Total count of sandstone grinding tools with concave use surfaces.

SdsnGrvd. Total count of sandstone grinding tools with use in grooves..

SdsnUnUsd. Total count of unused fragments of sandstone.

Axe. Total count of axe fragments.

Pecking. Total count of pecking stones.

SmHamStn. Total count of small hammerstones.

Polisher. Total count of pebble polishers.

Polisher-TrianXsec. Total count of pebble polishers with triangular cross-sections.

PebblSmther. Total count of pebble smoothers.

HamBipolr. Total count of bipolar hammerstones.

Count of Obsidian. Total count of obsidian.

Wt. of Obsidian (g). Total weight of obsidian.

Count FCR. Total count of fire-cracked rock.

Wt FCR (kg). Total weight of fire-cracked rock.

Count Daub. Total count of daub.

Wt. of Daub (g). Total weight of daub.

Metate. Total count of fragments of metates.

Mano. Total count of mano fragments.

Pestle. Total count of pestle fragments.

GrndStnSphr. Total count of fragments of ground stone spheres.

Mortar. Total count of mortar fragments.

Mrtr/StnBwl. Total count of fragments of artifacts that were either mortars or stone bowls.

StoneBwl. Total count of stone bowl fragments.

HndStone. Total count of handstone fragments.

GrndStone. Total count of miscellaneous fragments of ground stone.

Pumice(#). Total count of fragments of pumice.

Pumice(g). Total weight of pumice fragments.

Pumice abrading tool. Total count of fragments of pumice abrading tools.

Pumice float. Total count of fragments of pumice floats.

Pumice pendant. Total count of pumice pendants.

Flake-chert. Total count of flakes of chert.

Flake-basalt. Total count of flakes of basalt.

Flake-MetamStone. Total count of flakes of metamorphic stone.

Flake unid. Total count of flakes of unidentified stone.

Flaked stone:other (see descr). Total count of other items of flaked stone.

Other stone artifacts. Items not listed in previous columns.

FishHook. Total count of fishhooks.

Antler. Total count of fragments are utilized antler.

Bone Orn. Total count of bone ornaments.

Awl/pinA-B-Unid. Total count of awls, pins A and B, and unidentified pins.

Bone WvingTool. Total count of fragments of bone objects likely used as weaving tools.

Bone unfinishd ring. Total count of fragments of unfinished bone rings.

Bone Prod.StrCut. Total count of bone debitage, string cut.

Bone Prod.FlkSw. Total count of bone debitage, cut with stone tools.

ToothCuttrOrthogeomys. Total count of utilized giant pocket gopher incisors.
